How I Work

I work flexibly, clients have varying requirements, some need regular support and others something more ad hoc. 

Everyone is unique in respect of their circumstances, objectives, needs and wishes. It is important that I cater for each individual and their family in a personalised way but with a clear fee structure.

I deliver my work in two ways, either face to face or remotely using Microsoft Teams video technology.  How I work with clients will depend on client preference and it will be based on any particular information or communication needs they may have.



I offer a free initial 15-minute Discovery Call to discuss your situation and work out if you need my help.  It may be the case that I can answer all of your questions at this Discovery Call or that I can divert you elsewhere if there is something you can do for yourself and we don’t need to formally engage for the delivery of regulated financial advice.

Following our Discovery Call I will have a clear idea on what it is you wish to achieve and you will have a clear idea on the service I can provide to meet that need.  I will provide a Fee Agreement confirming what I will do and the fixed fee the advice delivery will involve.

As a regulated financial adviser, my fees are based on the time it takes to provide the advice, the complexity of your situation and the expertise and responsibility involved.  We record all time spent on different tasks for clients and from our years of experience we can work out how long it should take the different members of our team to complete their tasks for an advice project.  We quote fixed fees to clients.  If the project takes less time than we anticipated we reduce our fee, if the project takes more time we do not make any changes to the fee unless the additional work is significant (we will always let you know beforehand where this is the case).  From feedback we’ve had over the years our fees compare very favourably when they have been shopping around – particularly when comparing our fixed fees to those of a percentage charge quoted by the majority of firms.

I will always tell you if I don’t believe you will receive sufficient value from engaging with me to provide a comprehensive financial planning service. 

Book an Appointment

For clients that do not require formal advice but need more than a 15 minute Discovery Call to discuss a situation or receive some guidance I offer my time via a 30-minute call for £75 or a 60-minute call for £175.  If you prefer a face to face home visit, the typical fee for this is £250.

The cost of the call is payable at the time of booking.  Many clients have said these calls are useful to have time to discuss their situations and be guided to other services or other professionals for legal advice or care provision because not all clients need formal financial advice but they appreciate a professional to discuss their situation with.