Retirement is a transition, not a cliff-edge

The traditional approach to retirement has changed, dramatically so, in recent years. What used to be viewed as a cliff-edge has, for many retirees, become more of a gradual transition into a different lifestyle. Where retirement used to involve a complete break from work – one-day clocking in at 9 am, the next with no […]
Later life misconceptions and retirement reality

There are plenty of misconceptions about retirement. Part of my role as a Financial Planner is to help turn retirement from a series of perceptions into a (hopefully more positive) reality. An issue with our perception of retirement is that we’re informed by the experiences of our parents’ or grandparents’ generations, or by cliched images […]
Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m 64?

How old is old? The adage goes that you are only as old as you feel. We could determine old by agreeing on chronological age, but that concept seems to be changing. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has started an interesting debate around what constitutes old age. It seems there may be a better […]
What worries you about your retirement transition?

If you are within five years of retirement transition, you may have several concerns about what the future holds. According to recent research by US investment giant Schwab, there are three things about money that “overwhelm” people at this critical point of transition. Unsurprisingly they are concerned about the prospect of running out of money […]
Retire in debt: Why one in three Brits retire in the red

Retirement is usually viewed as a time of leisure when a lifetime of hard work pays off, and you can enjoy all of those things you previously deferred due to the pressures of work. But what happens when it’s time to retire in debt? It’s not quite the ideal vision of retiring mortgage and care-free! […]
What equity release customers really want

What do equity release customers really want from the later life lending product? New adviser research from independent analysts AKG shows that equity release customers increasingly value the ability to make interest payments and capital repayments as products develop. According to the study, nearly two out of three advisers say clients most value the ability […]
Retirement income knowledge gap

How much income can you expect from your pension savings? If you are unsure of the answer, you are by no means alone. Only 43% working 50-65-year-olds who expect to retire know how much annual income they’ll receive from their pension savings, according to research from Standard Life. The insurer also found that women are […]
How are you spending lockdown time?

Many of us now have a lot more spare time on our hands and will be making plans for spending lockdown time. This newly found spare time, spent at home complying with government guidelines, can prove challenging, but also a welcome opportunity to explore new hobbies and interests. According to new research, over 60s plan […]